For short trips, major brands, including GUCCI, Louis Vuitton, Bottega Venetta and so on introduce a number of travel bags.In addition to beautiful color pattern, comfortable material,more imporant is that the style is no longer a single bag,shoulder bag,handbags,barrels appeared not only give people more fashionable,but for girls the road become more compact,at any time can vacate handbags for themselves a beautiful photos.
What kind of bag suit for short-distance travel? What kind of bag is also present in the popular?Let's check out!
Bottega Veneta has been known to weave craft. In recent years,the popular with woven bag of this design is simple but despite due to its unique handmade leather weaving and presents multi-level beauty feeling.Suitable for women of all ages.
Givenchy Nightingale,commonly known as the nightingale handbag or nurse handbag, With simple,generous and gender style becomes the stars as a popular fashion travel necessities.Space is large enough,the hottest bag at present.
Chanel Coco Cocoon nylon big tote with double-sided,double-sided use, they can turn for the negative black lozenge gem, built-in zipper pocket, metal parts. Ivory, dark brown, grayish brown, dark red and black.